The Orphan Trains of Nebraska

Edward R. Johnson

  1. Foster Name:
  2. Foster Family: Unknown
  3. Location of Family: Alma, NE
  4. Sending Organization: Children's Aid Society
  5. Arrival Place: Unknown
  6. Age on Arrival: Unknown
  7. Date of Birth: Unknown
  8. Gender: male
  9. Notes: In a letter written in Alma, NE, to the Children's Aid Society in 1884, Edward mentions that his foster family, with whom he had an "excellent home," came to NE from OH in 1880. They were farmers and stock raisers and he hoped to do the same.
  10. Source: Thirty-Second Annual Report of the Children's Aid Society, November 1884 (New York: Wynkoop and Hallenbeck, 1884), 79; National Orphan Train Complex.
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