The Orphan Trains of Nebraska

Ruth White

  1. Foster Name:
  2. Foster Family: Henry Walker
  3. Foster Family Alt: Wolken
  4. Location of Family: Adams, NE
  5. Sending Organization: Children's Aid Society
  6. Arrival Place: Blue Springs, NE
  7. Age on Arrival: 7
  8. Date of Birth: 1908-09-21, New York City, NY
  9. Gender: female
  10. Spouse Name: Leonard Baack
  11. Notes: Ruth was fostered with the Henry Walker family; they mostly spoke German and she would not learn, so she was replaced with Harvey and Katie Hershberger of Seward, NE, in February 1916.
  12. Source: Roger Weaver Corres.; Weekly Sentinel (Blue Springs, NE).
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