The many architectural fragments recovered from the Mon Repos sanctuary belong to a number of recognizeable types. The typology for the terracotta roof of the major early Archaic temple has been recently published and is presented here. As the analysis continues, the typology will be expanded to include the stone elements of this temple, and the terracotta and stone representing other buildings at Mon Repos.
Terracotta elements
Subtype 1a
Type 1: Geison Tile with Lion–Head Waterspout
Subtype 1a:
Lion–geison at the flanks of the building
Subtype 1b: Lion–geison at the fronts of the building
Subtype 1c: Variant human–head waterspouts, at the corners(?) of the roof
Subtype 1b: Lion–geison at the fronts of the building
Subtype 1c: Variant human–head waterspouts, at the corners(?) of the roof
The most common class of objects from Mon Repos are fragments of terracotta geison tiles with a lion–head waterspout attached to its front.
The ‘geison’ is placed on top of the exterior walls and projects beyond them, where it diverts rainwater away from the building.
(+) Expand Subtype 1a
Subtype 2a
Type 2: Tall Antefix with Raised Plaque
The second class of objects from Mon Repos are fragments of terracotta antefix tiles with tall plaque at the front, which has been moulded
either with the head of a gorgon or a woman.
The ‘antefix’ stands between two geison tiles, where its decorative plaque masks their intersection at the exterior of the roof.
(+) Expand Subtype 2a
Type 3
Type 3: Antefix with Hanging Plaque
Another class of antefixes from Mon Repos have a hanging, but not raised plaque at the front which has been moulded with a female head. The
composition is reminiscent of the Subtype 2b head, but the Type 3 female wears a veil instead of a hat.
Like Type 2, the ‘antefix’ is installed between two geison tiles.
(+) Expand Type 3
Type 4
Type 4: Pan with Rosette–Painted Disk
A decorated class of terracottas from Mon Repos are pan tiles with a disk attached to the top at one side. The disk is painted with an
8–petal rosette. The pan tile appears to be a modification of the Subtype 5a.
(+) Expand Type 4
Type 5: Plain Tile
Many plain tiles were recovered from the Mon Repos excavations. These include large red pan tiles, unusually thick black cover
tiles, and enormous fragments from red semi-cylindrical ridge tiles. The pans and covers interlocked throughout the roof, while the ridge
tiles were installed at the peak where they covered the gap between the uppermost pans and covers from opposite sloping sides of the roof.
(+) Expand Subtype 5a
Limestone elements
The analysis of the limestone objects from Mon Repos is underway.
Marble elements
The analysis of the marble objects from Mon Repos is underway.

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